Esac Agreement Registry

The ESAC register collects information on transformation agreements signed by consortia and institutions around the world. The register often contains links to the full texts of the contract, including terms and prices. The aim is for the registry to be a tool for institutions and publishers in their negotiations and to improve trade standards and market transparency. The ESAC register gathers, aggregates and illustrates essential information on the nature and mechanisms of the increasing reduction of transformative agreements in their current iterations and during the transition to open access, highlighting the main conditions of agreements to better inform institutions (libraries, consortia) and publishers of their negotiations and to improve trade standards and market transparency. […] Many are not even so big that they can enter into agreements directly with the institutions. For a healthy and competitive market in the longer term, the needs of fully laundered publishers at this critical time should not be overlooked. Small publishers, erudite companies and innovative new platforms will have a considerable disadvantage if they are not properly considered and if measures are taken to ensure their fair competition in the market. It could therefore be extremely useful to have interviews with smaller publishers, both with full OAs and mixed models, and to share the results and ideas that are emerging. [12] Libraries and consortia are cordially invited to share important parameters and personal appreciations on the following form with the community.

To help with follow-up, it is preferable to register agreements at the consortium level (opt-in and all-inclusive), if any, at the highest level (consortium) than at the institutional level. Each submission is subject to scrutiny prior to its final publication. The publication and reading cost (PAR) model introduced by the DEAL transformational agreements replaces flat-rate subscription payments with a per-article fee and introduces hybrid open access publishing fees into the coffers as part of a centralised agreement managed by the institutions. [2] The PER fee per article is different from the article processing tax (the standard article fee in Gold Open Access magazines), as it simultaneously covers the publication of a single article and the institutional costs associated with unlimited access to the reading of the periodicals covered by the agreement. [3] If you follow the URL of the data from the Transformer Agreement index, you can get a CSV that gives you details about the logs and institutions participating in the agreement.

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