Community Centre Hire Agreement
Regulated activities, When vulnerable children or adults are involved, premises are only permitted on premises with the written consent of the Management Committee, which requires that the relevant provisions of the 1989 Children`s Act and subsequent legislation, the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, the Home Office Of Practice Safe Harm and all conditions required by the Office for Standards in Education (OFTED) or the Local Social Service (if applicable) be met. before the sample is taken. such an authorization. The village hall assumes no responsibility for the equipment or other stored goods that are transferred or left on the site and any liability in case of loss or damage is excluded. All equipment and other items that are not stored on the site by appointment must be removed at the end of each rental or storage period. The village house may, 7 days later, at its discretion, by sale or otherwise, sell such objects on the terms it deems appropriate and charge the tenant`s storage and daily costs for the storage, sale or disposal of these items. The right to reject any application to use the Centre`s facilities is reserved for the management committee. In any case of doubt, the reservation secretary reimburses the matter to the president and confirms the rental not without the agreement of the president after discussions with the management committee. Users of the community centre must comply with the Equality Act 2010.
They must ensure that the community centre is open to all members of the community, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, nationality, age, disability, race or political, religious or other views. Regular professional tenants who request above are asked to confirm the existence of insurance, as indicated on an annual basis, December 31 must be used as the date of insurance declaration of committees. Make sure that external caterers, contractors and bar employees know the rental time and are unable to enter or walk before the rental period. The tenant is responsible for ensuring that any catering company or operator responsible for the provision of equipment such as bouncy castles has appropriate and appropriate insurance, including liability insurance. The tenant must meet all the conditions and requirements adopted by the local authority, the reception authority, the assessment of the fire risk of the hall or other means concerning the premises, including with regard to an event that constitutes a regulated entertainment event, where alcohol is sold or made available or which is frequented by children.